EQIP & CRP Project Completion and Maintenance
With years of previous experience designing conservation program plans for previous clients, we have the knowledge and ability to help plan, implement, install and maintain most wildlife, forestry and grassland CRP and EQIP projects. If there is a grant available to assist clients in payments, we will find it for them.
Removal & Eradication of Invasive Species
We specialize in invasive species removal of both woody and herbaceous vegetation. We are trained and certified in a number of methods including cut stump treatment, basal bark treatment, hack and squirt treatment and foliar treatment.
Custom Herbicide Applications
Using professional grade equipment we complete herbicide applications for our clients. We utilize a high volume application for both spot treatments and broadcast treatments with herbicide choices tailored to vegetation being targeted. We have both a boom and boom-less nozzle capabilities to reach small and hard to get to areas that most applicators would never dream of going.
Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)
Timber Stand improvement is important when trying to maintain a healthy, diverse and vibrant forest. This is especially true when a landowner is managing for commercial timber production or certain tree species type. Practices like crop tree release and grapevine removal are critical to maintain the most economically productive forests.
Wildlife Habitat Creation & Enhancement
Wildlife habitat creation and enhancement is the heart of our mission. Let us help you turn your property into an oasis for wildlife that will make all of your neighbors jealous! Some common practices that landowners are interested in (outside of our other services offered) are brush piles, edge feathering, bush-hogging and food plots to name a few. We have the experience to know what it takes to not only attract but to hold wildlife as well.
Prairie & Pollinator Establishment & Maintenance
Prairie and pollinator habitat is quickly becoming a national conversation as our country continues to see a rapid decline in grassland and prairie habitats, and the pollinating insect and bird species that thrive in them. We can help design, install and maintain prairie and pollinator plots on your property ranging from multiple acres to just a small native pollinator garden. We know the particular species that thrive in our area, and can save you money on expensive mixtures some will try to sell you by only planting the species that we know will grow.
Boundary Marking, Maintenance and Inspection
Good property boundaries make good neighbors! We use GPS overlays as well as previous survey markers to accurately mark existing property boundaries. Well marked boundaries reduce liability and help protect a landowners most valuable investment….their land! We use forestry paint that will last up to 8 years with a single marking. If there is any encroachment found while marking boundaries then we will photograph and document all issues and inform the landowners. A professional surveyor is recommended to determined initial boundaries if not recently surveyed.
Tree Planting
We offer a complete tree planting service from 5 gallon potted trees to bare root saplings. We not only plant the trees but offer protective tree tubing, staking and year round maintenance as well.
Professional Consulting Services
Managing land and wildlife resources is our passion…but maybe it is yours too! If you are a hands on person with the time and equipment to do any of the above work yourself but perhaps need professional advice and guidance on how to get started, we can help you. We offer professional property consultations where we will walk your property with/for you and draw up a land management plan that will be sure to help you achieve your goals. Every plan is personalized and custom fitted for each landowners needs, and will include a folder full of maps, plans and other professional information from the natural resources world that will provide a road map of success for the landowner.
UAV (Drone) Services
We are excited about this one. We now can offer drone photography for clients to take the perfect birds eye view picture of their property/farm. A complimentary 25 minute photo session is included with any property that we preform other services on. We can also offer this as a stand alone service. There is incredible value in having customized birds eye view photos and videos of your land. In the near future we will be offering professional inspection services as well as game recovery services with a state of the art drone. You will not want to miss this. Stay tuned!